About Tanzania Standard Newspaper

Through innovation and the use of modern technologies TSN continues to offer credible and reliable information services to our esteemed customers while maintaining the highest degree of professionalism ss


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Align technology with goals implementaion and planning




Responde to changing technology


Watch top tech insights

From the 2017

Milken Institute Global Conference

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Our Products

Core business of TSN is news gathering, processing and dissemination through its publications as well as specialized pull outs ( Woman Magazine, Academy, Score) and specialized pages for the Kiswahili publications..


Asia Center

Analyzes the demographic trends, trade relationships and capital flows that will define the region's future.

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Asia Center


California Center

Identifies ways to keep the state's economy vibrant and growing.

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California Center



Clears roadblocks that prevent medical breakthroughs from reaching patients sooner.

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Business Forum

Center for Financial Markets

Identifies ways to broaden access to capital and strengthen financial markets globally.

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Business Forum

Center for Financial Markets

Our Services

Core business of TSN is news gathering, processing and dissemination through its publications as well as specialized pull outs ( Woman Magazine, Academy, Score) and specialized pages for the Kiswahili publications..

Commercial Printing

Center for Financial Markets

Identifies ways to broaden access to capital and strengthen financial markets globally.

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Commercial Printing

Center for Financial Markets

Online Advertising

Center for Financial Markets

Identifies ways to broaden access to capital and strengthen financial markets globally.

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Online Advertising

Center for Financial Markets


Center for Financial Markets

Identifies ways to broaden access to capital and strengthen financial markets globally.

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Center for Financial Markets


Center for Financial Markets

Identifies ways to broaden access to capital and strengthen financial markets globally.

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Center for Financial Markets

Upcoming Events

Women Leaders' Summit - Singapore

September 13, 2017

The Summit will bring together leaders and rising stars from the worlds of finance, technology, business and government for a discussion around the most important challenges facing the region.

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Asia Summit 2017

September 14 - 15, 2017

This year's program will address pressing global and regional challenges, geopolitical risks, financial regulation, technology trends, demographic change, and the role of philanthropy.

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Recent Events

Partnering for Cures 2017

July 12, 2017

P4C will convene leaders to transform the medical research system in Boston on July 12 and San Francisco on Nov. 14.

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Tweets of Note

Monetary policy has become hostage to events–both economic and political, says Chief Economist Bill Lee @business https://t.co/uVsSixoKdh

The U.S. is home to an army of prime-working-age men, some 7 million ages 25-54, who no longer even look for work. https://t.co/VifDmM1N7D

"I’ve been working w/ @SBAgov & @MilkenInstitute on their PLUM Initiative (Partnership for Lending to Underserved Markets)," says @donrayvon https://t.co/dnWiyurSYh

What it will take to eliminate the longevity disparity? @MIAging's Paul Irving on the challenges facing the the U.S. https://t.co/a4PCyZngTp

We have several new career opportunities available in our Santa Monica and Washington D.C. offices. Apply today https://t.co/Q9DnVAgLkp pic.twitter.com/PnyHLce7Oe

Can we innovate a more equitable future for society? @CVP1960 discusses in #PowerofIdeas #MIGlobal pic.twitter.com/4ZcAwfHn55